Learn Lil in 10 Minutes

Lil is a multi-paradigm scripting language primarily used by Decker.

This guide is designed to help users with prior programming experience get up to speed with Lil quickly, emphasizing example code over lengthy explanations. Lil's documentation also includes a much more detailed language reference manual, a quick-reference card, and a reference manual for Decker, including its programming APIs.

Feel free to try examples as you work through this guide in Lil's online sandbox, the Decker Listener, or from the comfort of your command line with Lilt.

# an octothorpe begins a line comment.
# all whitespace is equivalent; indentation is stylistic.

#  1. Simple Datatypes and Variables

"one"                      # strings are enclosed in double-quotes,
"two\nthree\"four"         # and may include the escapes \n \" \\.

-23.84                     # numbers are floating point values.

2*3+5      # -> 16         # expressions evaluate right-to-left,
(2*3)+5    # -> 11         # ...unless overridden by parentheses.

()         # -> ()         # the empty list
11,22      # -> (11,22)    # "," joins values to form lists.
list 42    # -> (42)       # "list" makes a list of count 1.

a:42       # -> 42         # the symbol ":" ("becomes") performs assignment.
z          # -> 0          # referencing unbound variables returns 0.

d:("a","b") dict 11,22     # "dict" makes a dictionary from lists of keys and values.
keys  d    # -> ("a","b")  # "keys" extracts the keys of a dict.
range d    # -> (11,22)    # "range" extracts the elements of a dict.
range 4    # -> (0,1,2,3)  # ...or generates a sequence of integers [0,n).

(3,5,7)[1] # -> 5          # lists can be indexed with [], and count from 0.
d.a        # -> 11         # dicts can be indexed with a dot and a name,
d["b"]     # -> 22         # ...or equivalently, with []; required for non-string keys.

# collection operators:
count    11,22,33    # -> 3
first    11,22,33    # -> 11
last     11,22,33    # -> 33
2 take   11,22,33    # -> (11,22)
2 drop   11,22,33    # -> (33)
typeof   11,22,33    # -> "list"
2 window 11,22,33,44 # -> ((11,22),(33,44))

#  2. Control Flow

# the "each" loop iterates over the elements of a list, string, or dict:
each v k i in ("a","b","c") dict 11,22,33
 # up to three variable names: value, key, and index.
 show[2*v k i] # show[] prettyprints values to stdout.
# prints:
# 22 "a" 0
# 44 "b" 1
# 66 "c" 2
# ...and returns the dictionary {"a":22,"b":44,"c":66}.

# the "while" loop:
while v<256
# prints:
# 8
# 32
# 128
# 512
# ...and returns the number 512.

# conditionals:
if age<21
 "can't rent cars"
elseif age>65
 "senior discounts"
 "just a regular slob"

# "if" and "while" treat 0, or the empty string, list, or dict as "falsey".
# any other value is considered "truthy".
if 3  "yes" end  # -> "yes"
if () "no"  end  # -> 0

#  3. Functions and Scope

on myfunc x y do     # functions are declared with "on".
 show[x y]           # function body can contain any number of expressions.
 x + 10 * y          # function body returns the last expression.

# call functions with []
# parameters are NOT separated by commas!
myfunc[2 5] # -> 52

# functions are values, and can be passed around:
on twice f x do
twice[on double x do x*2 end  10] # -> 40

# functions can be given a variadic argument with "..."
on vary ...x do
f[11 22 33]          # -> (11,22,33)

# variables have lexical scope:
on outer x do        # function argument defines local x.
 on inner x do       # function argument shadows outer x.
  x:x*2              # redefine the local x, don't mutate the outer x.
  show[x]            # -> 10
  local z:99         # "local" explicitly declares a local variable.
  show[z]            # -> 99
 show[x]             # -> 5
 show[z]             # -> 0   # z is not defined in this scope.

#  4. Tables and Queries

# make tables with "insert":
people:insert name age job with
 "Alice"  25 "Development" 
 "Sam"    28 "Sales"
 "Thomas" 40 "Development"
 "Sara"   34 "Development"
 "Walter" 43 "Accounting"

# tables are like string-keyed dictionaries of uniform-count columns.
# tables are like a list of dictionaries with the same string keys.
people.name[2]  # -> "Thomas"
people[2].name  # -> "Thomas"

# query tables using a SQL-like syntax:
select from people
# +----------+-----+---------------+
# | name     | age | job           |
# +----------+-----+---------------+
# | "Alice"  | 25  | "Development" |
# | "Sam"    | 28  | "Sales"       |
# | "Thomas" | 40  | "Development" |
# | "Sara"   | 34  | "Development" |
# | "Walter" | 43  | "Accounting"  |
# +----------+-----+---------------+

# naming and computing columns, filtering with "where":
select firstName:name dogYears:7*age where job="Development" from people
# +-----------+----------+
# | firstName | dogYears |
# +-----------+----------+
# | "Alice"   | 175      |
# | "Thomas"  | 280      |
# | "Sara"    | 238      |
# +-----------+----------+

# summarizing with "by" (groupby):
select job:first job employees:count name by job from people
# +---------------+-----------+
# | job           | employees |
# +---------------+-----------+
# | "Development" | 3         |
# | "Sales"       | 1         |
# | "Accounting"  | 1         |
# +---------------+-----------+

# "update" works like "select" but patches selected cells of the table.
# note that tables, like lists and dicts, are immutable!
# "update" returns a new, amended table value and does not reassign the variable "people":
update job:"Software Engineering" where job="Development" from people
# +----------+-----+------------------------+
# | name     | age | job                    |
# +----------+-----+------------------------+
# | "Alice"  | 25  | "Software Engineering" |
# | "Sam"    | 28  | "Sales"                |
# | "Thomas" | 40  | "Software Engineering" |
# | "Sara"   | 34  | "Software Engineering" |
# | "Walter" | 43  | "Accounting"           |
# +----------+-----+------------------------+

# queries apply to strings, lists, dicts, with columns "key", "value", "index".
# sorting with "orderby" (asc for ascending, desc for descending):
select index value orderby value asc from "BACB"
# +-------+-------+
# | index | value |
# +-------+-------+
# | 1     | "A"   |
# | 0     | "B"   |
# | 3     | "B"   |
# | 2     | "C"   |
# +-------+-------+

# "extract" works like "select", but returns a list instead of a table:
extract name orderby name asc from people
# -> ("Alice","Sam","Sara","Thomas","Walter")

# if you don't specify a column expression, extracts the first column:
extract orderby name asc from people
# (same as above)

# more table and collection operators:
a join b    # natural join (by column name).
a cross b   # cross join / cartesian product.
a , b       # concatenate rows of two tables.
3 limit t   # at most 3 rows of a table.
rows t      # list of rows as dictionaries.
cols t      # dictionary of columns as lists.
table x     # make a table from dict-of-list / list-of-dict.
raze t      # form a dictionary from the first two columns of a table.
flip x      # transpose a table's rows and columns.

#  5. String Manipulation

",|" split "one,|two,|three"    # break a string on a delimiter.
# -> ("one","two","three")

"::" fuse ("one","two","three") # concatenate strings with a delimiter.
# -> "one::two::three"

# the "format" operator uses a printf()-like format string
# to control converting one or more values into a string:
"%i : %s : %f" format (42,"Apple",-23.7)
# -> "42 : Apple : -23.7"

"%08.4f" format pi           # 0-padding, field width, precision.
# -> "003.1416"

"%l : %u" format "One","Two" # lowercase or uppercase.
# -> "one : TWO"

d:("a","b") dict 11,22
"%j" format list d           # JSON.
# -> "{\"a\":11,\"b\":22}"

# the "parse" operator tokenizes a string into values.
# "parse" and "format" use the same pattern syntax:
"%v[%i]" parse "foo[23]"
# -> ("foo",23)

"%j" parse "{'foo':[1,2,],'bar':34.5}"  # tolerant JSON parsing.
# -> {"foo":(1,2),"bar":34.5}

"< %[b]s %[a]s >" format d              # named elements.
# -> "< 22 11 >"

# the "like" operator performs glob-matching:
"foo"       like "f*"  # -> 1      (prefix match; * matches 0 or more chars)
"foo"       like "*oo" # -> 1      (suffix match)
"fxo"       like "f.o" # -> 1      (. matches any single char)
"a4"        like "a#"  # -> 1      (# matches any single digit)
"c#"        like ".`#" # -> 1      (` escapes special chars)
("a2","b2") like "a#"  # -> (1,0)  (left argument can be a column)

#  6. Implicit Iteration

# arithmetic operators "conform" over lists;
# this is how column expressions in queries work, too:
1+2                 # -> 3              (number plus number)
1+10,20,30          # -> (11,21,31)     (number plus each of list)
(10,20,30)+1        # -> (11,22,31)     (each of list plus number)
(10,100,1000)+1,2,3 # -> (11,102,1003)  (each of list plus each of list)

# the "=" equality operator conforms; use in query expressions:
3=3                 # 1
3=2,3,5             # (0,1,0)

# the "~" equality operator compares entire values; use with "if":
3~3                 # -> 1
3~2,3,5             # -> 0

# the "@" operator applies the left argument to each item on the right:
(11,22,33) @ 2,1,2       # -> (33,22,33)    (indexing a list)
double @ 10,20           # -> (20,40)       (applying a function)
first @ ("Alpha","Beta") # -> ("A","B")     (applying a unary operator)

# ".." is shorthand for "at every index":
t:"%j" parse "[{'a':22,'b':33},{'a':55}]"
t..a                     # -> 22,55
each v in t v.a end      # -> 22,55

# unary operators for reducing lists to a residue:
sum  1,2,3                    # -> 6
prod 2,3,4                    # -> 24       (product)
min  9,5,7                    # -> 5        (minimum; all)
max  9,5,7                    # -> 9        (maximum; some)
raze ((list 1,2),(list 3,4))  # -> 1,2,3,4  (flatten nesting)

#  7. Arithmetic and Logic

2 ^ 3           # -> 8                (exponentiation)
5 % 3,4,5,6,7   # -> (3,4,0,1,2)      (y modulo x)
3 | 5           # -> 5                (maximum; logical OR  for 0/1)
3 & 5           # -> 3                (minimum; logical AND for 0/1)
3 < 2,3,5       # -> (0,0,1)          (less)
3 > 2,3,5       # -> (1,0,0)          (more)
! 0,1,3,5       # -> (1,0,0,0)        (not)

# no x<=y or x>=y operators; use !x>y or !x<y instead

# named unary operators, which all conform:
# floor cos sin tan exp ln sqrt

# the constants "pi" and "e" are predefined as globals

mag 3,4           # -> 5              (vector magnitude)
u:unit pi/3       # -> (0.5,0.866025) (unit vector at angle)
(pi/3)~heading u  # -> 1              (angle of vector)

#  8. Interfaces and Built-in Functions

# interfaces are dictionary-like values representing system resources, mutable data.
# singleton utility interfaces:
sys.now                                       # sys: workspace info, rng, time
bits.xor[3 42]                                # bits: bit-wise arithmetic
rtext.replace["the orange!" "orange" "apple"] # rtext: rich text tables

# built-in functions for constructing instances of certain interfaces:
arr:array[16 "i16b"] # array: a 1D mutable array for manipulating binary data
img:image[(10,20)]   # image: a 2D mutable byte array for graphics operations

sys~sys              # -> 1          # interfaces compare with reference-equality.
sys=(sys,sys,123)    # -> (1,1,0)
typeof sys           # -> "system"   # two ways to identify interface type.
sys.type             # -> "system"
keys sys             # -> ()         # interfaces are non-enumerable!

# more built-in functions:
eval[str vars] # evaluate a string of Lil with a dict of local variable bindings
random[x]      # choose a random element from a string, list, dict, or table
readcsv[x]     # parse a string with CSV data into a table
writecsv[x]    # format a table into a CSV string
readxml[x]     # parse an XML/HTML document into a tree of dictionaries
writexml[x]    # format a tree of dictionaries into well-formed XML

#  9. Decker

# Decker is a GUI-builder like HyperCard or VisualBASIC:

# the parts of a "Deck" have corresponding interfaces, and can be given scripts.
# if a Widget, Card, or Deck contains function definitions with specific names,
# they will be called in response to events:
on click do                  # (imagine this is in a Button's script)
 me                          # the current Widget's interface.
 card                        # the Card interface containing the Widget.
 deck                        # the Deck interface containing the Card.
 myField.text:1+myField.text # we can refer to other widgets on the same card by name.

 # we can also refer to Cards in the Deck by name.
 # for a Widget on another Card, index through "card.widgets":

 # we can send "synthetic" events to other parts of the Deck:

# each event handler is its own fresh universe; variables do not persist.
# the only state preserved between events is state stored in Widgets!
field.text          # string.
button.value        # 1/0 boolean.
slider.value        # number.
grid.value          # table.
canvas.copy[]       # Image interface.
# ...and so on. Contraptions are custom widgets, with a user-defined API.

# we can also treat Cards like records, with consistently-named Widgets as their fields.
# consider a checkbox on each Card in a Deck tracking whether it had been visited:
on view do          # (in the script for each Card) 
 visited.value:1    # "visited" is a checkbox.

# we could then find the Cards that have been visited so far with a query:
extract value where value..widgets.visited.value from deck.cards

# ...or reset all our visited flags:

# we can override builtins and insert side-effects:
on go x trans delay do
 if trans show["start transition: " trans] end
 # "send" here calls the definition of "go" in the next-highest lexical scope:
 send go[x trans delay]

# if unhandled, events "bubble up": Widget -> Card -> Deck.
# to prevent bubbling, define an empty handler:
on navigate x do end

# some important attributes that apply to all Widgets:
x.pos        # (x,y) position on the Card, in pixels.
x.size       # (width,height) dimensions, in pixels.
x.name       # string uniquely identifying this Widget on a Card.
x.index      # drawing order on the Card, back-to-front.
x.show       # one of "solid", "invert", "transparent", or "none"